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Small Anglo-Saxon broken back seax. Blade is 4", overall length 8.25".

The handle is holly, with a worked antler bolster.

The veg tanned sheath is embossed with historic patterns (although this is not representative of a particular find).

The sheath corner is reinforced with a bronze clip and a peened pin.

##fourbarpatternweld #reenactor #reenactment ##anglosaxonreenactment #anglosaxon #handmade #brokenbackseax ##vegtanleather

Anglo-Saxon Broken Back Seax


    Mark S.

    Thank you, Andy.

    This was an amazing experience. 

    If you are looking for a friendly, informative and practical forge day, then this is the one for you!

    Under the fantastic guidance of Andy, I forged and created a unique knife
    Thank you for a great experience and I will certainly be back!


    Mark L.


    Mark L.

    I had a great day with Andrew in his workshop. From the moment I got there until I left, Andrew did everything possible to make my experience the best. By the end of the day, I had a knife I was proud to take home and show my family, from working the metal, to adding a handle, Andrew had it all covered. Thanks for an amazing day

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